The Deputy Director for Science and Technology (DDST), Patricia Falcone, oversees the integration of LLNL’s science and technology (S&T) expertise and resources with its programmatic mission areas devoted to enhancing national—and world—security. The DDST Office ensures Livermore’s world-renowned S&T research excellence balances innovation with disciplined execution, and multidisciplinary teamwork with individual initiative. The combination of mission focus and S&T excellence is central to the Laboratory’s strategic vision.
DDST-sponsored programs and technology transfer activities engage both academic and industrial partners. Academic Engagement Office fosters collaborations with the academic community, while the Science Education Program shares exciting S&T research findings with teachers, students, and the public at large. To help strengthen American industry, the Innovation and Partnerships Office (IPO) promotes the commercialization of LLNL breakthrough technologies.
The DDST Office also guides internal investment in S&T at the Laboratory. The Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program (LDRD), a critical element of DDST, sponsors the development of new technologies and expertise for future national security challenges. The DDST office also helps manage three Institutional Initiatives with the goal of strengthening specific science, technology, and engineering capabilities in areas that merit special attention.