Livermore researchers have adapted their novel metasurface process, which creates a thin layer on the surface of an optic, to create an all-glass metasurface with birefringence, or dual refraction, properties.
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Researchers report on an ultrafast sintering method based on CO2 laser scanning with the assistance of a heating stage to process garnet-type solid-state electrolytes.

The authors describe the rapid conversion from graphite to hexagonal diamond in picoseconds.

Researchers demonstrate the ability to generate metasurfaces that can be tailored to satisfy large-area antireflective applications for bandpass or broadband needs.

Researchers identify critical reaction parameters to improve the phase purity of the epsilon form of iron oxide.

Xianjin Yang coauthored three chapters of this book, which covers geophysical techniques that can be deployed to remotely track carbon dioxide plumes and monitor changes in the subsurface.

The second edition of Microbial Systems Biology: Methods and Protocols includes chapters produced by Livermore researchers.

General audience book by Livermore's Greg Brennecka argues that Earth would be a lifeless, inhospitable piece of rock without being fortuitously assaulted with meteorites throughout the history of the planet.

Livermore researchers developed and demonstrated a technique for detecting, identifying, and quantifying the minor components found in the insensitive high explosive TATB.

Livermore researchers report Volumetric additive manufacturing (VAM) of thiol–ene-based SMP photoresins to produce structures with nearly full shape recovery, including self-standing tripod and actuating three-arm gripper structures.