Fun with Science: Dr. Lee in Space

Key Learning Objectives:

1. Understand the vacuum conditions of space

2. Use models of air pressure to make predictions about what will happen when air is removed from around the outside of an object

Key Terminology:
Space, vacuum, pressure, equilibrium

Relevant NGSS Standard(s):
5-PSI-1 Structure and Properties of Matter

Test your knowledge & Take the Quiz!

  1. What happened to Marshmallow Astronaut Dr. Lee in the vacuum chamber? What did you think was going to happen?
  2. Why did Marshmallow Astronaut Dr. Lee change size?
  3. What is equilibrium?
  4. Why did Marshmallow Astronaut Dr. Lee shrink when air was brought back into the chamber??
  5. How much air pressure is in space?

Video Duration: 7 minutes, 3 seconds

Fun with Science: Dr. Lee in Space