Fun with Science: Feats of Strength with Air Pressure

Key Learning Objectives:

1. Gain familiarity with the concepts of force and pressure

2. Understand what causes air pressure

3. Appreciate the surprising strength of atmospheric air pressure

Key Terminology:
Air, pressure, force, density, mass, volume

Relevant NGSS Standard(s):
5-PSI-1 Structure and Properties of Matter

Test your knowledge & Take the Quiz!

  1. Density = x/volume; What is x?
  2. Which gas is more abundant in air, oxygen or nitrogen?
  3. What happened when all the air was removed from the inside of the can?
  4. How many pounds of pressure is on one square inch of surface when exposed to air?
  5. What causes air pressure?

Video Duration: 11 minutes, 37 seconds

Fun with Science: Feats of Strength with Air Pressure