
Five x-y plots of experimental data, with points and diagonal lines
// Recognition
The IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society announced a Lawrence Livermore team as the winner of its 2022 Transactions on Plasma Science Best Paper Award.
Debbie Callahan head shot
// Recognition
The Fusion Power Associates Board of Directors has selected Livermore physicist Debbie Callahan as a recipient of its 2022 Leadership Award.
Tiffany Barnett, left, Tom Kohut, center, and Jamie King,
// Recognition
The American Society of Safety Professionals, San Francisco Chapter, has awarded Tom Kohut, a manager at the National Ignition Facility, with the “Managers Who Get Safety” award.
Head shots of Sofia Quaglione, left, and Jennifer Pett-Ridge
// Recognition
Two Livermore scientists are recipients of the prestigious 2021 E.O. Lawrence Award that recognizes mid-career U.S. scientists and engineers for exceptional scientific, technical and engineering achievements.
Left to right, head shots of John Despotopulos, Mimi Yung and Timofey Frolov
// Recognition
Three scientists from Livermore are recipients of the Department of Energy’s Office of Science Early Career Research Program award.
Left: Annemarie Meike head shot; right Mary Holden-Sanchez head shot
// Recognition
The Department of Energy’s Technology Transfer Working Group awarded two Lawrence Livermore employees with “Best in Class” awards.
Collage of magazine cover and text
// Recognition
The American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) Winds of Change magazine has named Lawrence Livermore as one of the Top 50 STEM Workplaces in 2022.
Two people holding framed award
// Recognition
Huban Gowadia has been inducted into the state of Alabama’s Engineering Hall of Fame.
Head shots of three people
// Recognition
One current and two former Lawrence Livermore scientists have been inducted into the Laboratory’s Entrepreneurs’ Hall of Fame.
Rob Falgout next to SIAM logo
// Recognition
The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics announced Livermore computational mathematician Rob Falgout as the recipient of the 2022 SIAM Activity Group on Supercomputing Career Prize.