
Three scientists
// Recognition
Three Livermore postdoctoral appointees have been selected to attend the 70th annual Lindau Nobel Laureate meeting in Germany.
Bronis R. De Supinski
// Recognition
Bronis R. de Supinski, chief technology officer for Livermore Computing, is one of the top influencers in the high performance computing industry for 2021, according to HPCwire.
Rob Falgout
// Recognition
The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics has selected computational mathematician Rob Falgout as an esteemed member of its 2021 Class of SIAM Fellows.
Droplet™ Digital Polymerase Chain Reaction (ddPCR) machine
// Recognition
Livermore researchers and their colleagues who help them commercialize technologies have won three national technology transfer awards this year.
Acting NNSA Administrator Charles Verdon
// Recognition
Outgoing Director Goldstein has received honors from the Department of Energy and the National Nuclear Security Administration recognizing his accomplishments as a scientist, leader in national security, and director of LLNL.
Craig Tarver
// Recognition
Craig Tarver has been honored with the American Physical Society’s 2021 George E. Duvall Shock Compression Science Award.
Text "Secretary's Achievement Awards" and DOE logo
// Recognition
Livermore employees, participating in 10 project teams, recently earned Department of Energy Secretary Achievement Awards.
Peter Celliers
// Recognition
Livermore's Peter Celliers was recently elected to the executive committee as vice-chair of the American Physical Society Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter.
Cover, Getting to Neutral report
// Recognition
Livermore’s "Getting to Neutral" Carbon Emissions Team has earned a Department of Energy Secretary Achievement Award for its work on how California could become carbon neutral by 2045.
Six images of a cheetah used for machine learning.
// Recognition
A paper coauthored by a Laboratory scientist received the IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision’s Best Paper Honorable Mention award.