LLNL Scientist: Jessica Osuna, Atmospheric Scientist
Duration: 9 minutes, 37 seconds
Key Learning Objectives:
- To understand the main responsibilities of a professional atmospheric scientist at LLNL
- To understand how different elements in Earth’s atmosphere interact when contamination is introduced
- To understand how LLNL’s atmospheric scientists use computer models to study atmospheric conditions at the Earth’s surface to predict the spread and impact of contamination
Key Terminology:
Atmosphere, dispersion, contaminant
Relevant NGSS Standards:
High School: HS-ESS3 Earth and Human Activity
Middle School: MS-ESS3 Earth and Human Activity
Potential Follow-up Questions:
- What coursework should students pursue if interested in atmospheric science?
- What are some more examples of projects that LLNL’s National Atmospheric Release Advisory Center has conducted?
- Does NARAC monitor atmospheric conditions on a daily basis, or only in times of crisis?
- What is the smallest amount of atmospheric contamination that can be detected?