The Jupiter Laser Facility (JLF) is a unique laser user facility for research in high-energy-density (HED) science. Its three diverse laser platforms offer researchers a wide range of capabilities to produce and explore states of matter under extreme conditions of high density, pressure, and temperature. The Facility offers users a high degree of experimental flexibility, and high laser shot rates, and it allows direct user operation of experiments. Three laser platforms are located at JLF: the Titan, Janus, and COMET lasers and their associated target chambers. Each laser provides different capabilities.
For example, Titan couples a few-hundred-joule short-pulse (subpicosecond) beam with a kilojoule-class long-pulse (nanosecond) beam derived from a neodymium-glass laser system. Janus is based on the same neodymium-glass laser system but configured for operation with two nanosecond kilojoule-class beams. COMET is a neodymium-glass laser system designed for generating laboratory x-ray beams.
Scientists use the unique capabilities of JLF to explore a range of phenomena such as the acceleration of charged particles, hydrodynamics, and radiation emission and absorption in hot dense plasmas, all of which are fundamental to understanding the behavior of materials at high energy densities.

The Jupiter Laser Facility is a unique laser user facility consisting of five laser platforms for research in high-energy-density science