Make Backyard Craters With a Planetary Defense Physicist

LLNL Scientist: Megan Bruck Syal, Planetary Defense Physicist

Duration: 10 minutes, 2 seconds

Key Learning Objectives:
1.    To understand the main responsibilities of a professional planetary defense physicist at LLNL
2.    To understand how different asteroid material properties can affect the outcome of a deflection

Key Terminology:
Planetary defense, deflection, kinetic impact, momentum, porosity, impact cratering

Relevant NGSS Standards:
High School: HS-ESS1 Earth's Place in the Universe…

Middle School: MS-ESS1-1 Earth's Place in the Universe

Potential Follow-up Questions:
1.    What coursework should students pursue if interested in planetary defense physics?
2.    What is the estimated probability of a significant impact event?
3.    How far ahead do scientists have to plan for a deflection?


Make Backyard Craters With a Planetary Defense Physicist