Internal Investments

The Laboratory invests internally to maintain its technical vitality and encourage innovation through the Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program (LDRD), and Director’s Initiatives.

The LDRD Program funds research activities that are either too new or too high-risk to be funded by existing programs. LDRD projects align with the Laboratory’s investment strategy and have a clear connection to its mission of applying world-class S&T to important national problems.

The Laboratory’s Director has also established research initiatives that focus on identified portfolio areas that merit special attention and position the Laboratory to address an important emerging national need. These selected multiyear activities strengthen specific S&T capabilities through institutional investments in research, workforce development, and infrastructure.

Investment Strategy for Science and Technology

2025 Investment Strategy for Science and Technology

The 2025 LLNL Investment Strategy for Science and Technology outlines the priorities for this year’s LDRD program investments and also informs decisions on other institutional investments. Our objective is to invest to sustain a vibrant set of scientific and engineering capabilities, meet long-term mission needs, and provide agility to respond to as yet unknown challenges.

The Laboratory’s internal institutional investments, and in particular the Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) Program, support the exploration of new ideas that anticipate the future needs of our national security missions.