Science and Technology Highlights

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// S&T Highlights
Second in a series of articles describing aspects of the National Ignition Facility’s record-breaking 1.3-megajoule experiment.
Subnanoscale reversible alane cluster—molecular diagram
// S&T Highlights
Researchers are exploring the use of metal hydrides to reversibly release and uptake hydrogen under mild conditions.
Optical microscopic image of a 3D-printed carbon log-pile
// S&T Highlights
Livermore scientists have created nanostrut-connected tube-in-tubes that enable stronger low-density structural materials.
Simulation of a computationally designed antibody with colorful ribbons of proten strands
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Livermore has joined the international Human Vaccines Project to accelerate vaccine development and understanding of immune response.
A cutaway drawing of an ASML EUVL machine. Credit: ASML
// S&T Highlights
The microprocessors at the heart of an increasing number of the world’s newest mobile phones and personal computers were made possible in part by Livermore research.
Two bunny-suited engineers look through large circular glass.
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Livermore has shipped the last of six optical filters for the Vera C. Rubin Observatory telescope’s camera.
The Earth as simulated by E3SM
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Version 2 of the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM2) is significantly faster than its predecessor and was released to the broader scientific community on September. 28.
Two airborne photos of before and after warehouse explosion
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A Livermore physicist reconciles the yield estimates of the explosion that destroyed a significant part of Beirut's harbor.
Computer simulation of asteroid and fragments
// S&T Highlights
New research examines how different hypothetical asteroid orbits and fragment velocity distributions affect the fate of the fragments on a collision course with Earth.
June Lake with two inset photos of diatoms from scanning electron microscopy
// S&T Highlights
Climate change has significantly impacted the natural systems of the Sierra Nevada, including the mountain lakes that are an iconic part of California’s natural beauty.