Research has resolved the inconsistency in quantifying the surface potential at the liquid−vapor interface when using explicit ab initio electronic charge density and effective atomic partial charge models of liquid water.
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We present a compact modular apparatus with a flexible design that will be operated at the DiProI beamline of the Fermi@Elettra free electron laser (FEL) for performing static and time-resolved coherent diffraction imaging experiments, taking advantage of the full coherence and variable polarization of the short seeded FEL pulses.

The research team proposes a complementary interpretation of the mechanism responsible for the strong enhancement observed in surface enhanced raman scattering (SERS).

The chemical and structural organization of the plant cell wall was examined in Zinnia elegans tracheary elements (TEs), which specialize by developing prominent secondary wall thickenings underlying the primary wall during xylogenesis in vitro.

We report an attosecond pump–probe measurement of the density matrix of valence electrons in atomic krypton ions.

Nanoscale mechanical forces generated by axonemal dynein motors derived from sperm flagellum are examined and reported.

Analysis of molecular dynamics simulations shows that although the opened form of Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA) can achieve conformations matching the helical pitch of Replication Factor C, it is not biased toward a right-handed spiral structure.

Preparation and sectioning of bacterial spores by focused ion beam and subsequent high resolution secondary ion mass spectrometry analytical imaging is demonstrated.

In this study, we quantitatively compare the effectiveness and efficiency of mid-IR (4.6 μm) versus far-IR (10.6 μm) lasers in mitigating damage growth on fused silica surfaces.