Science and Technology

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People holding award plaque
// Recognition
Former Secretary of Energy Rick Perry recognized Livermore staff with six Secretary’s Honor Awards at a ceremony at Department of Energy headquarters.
Five scientists work on CubeSat
// S&T Highlights
Livermore’s first in-house designed and fabricated CubeSat went into orbit in December.
// S&T Highlights
With better representation of clouds, the latest generation of global climate models predict more warming in response to increasing carbon dioxide than their predecessors.
photo of a roller coaster's upside down loop
// Distance Learning

Navigational devices like the GPS system in your phone depend on gyroscopes to analyze the rotational motion of moving objects. Your phone contains a very sensitive gyroscope that determines how it moves along three axes of rotation.

two gears moving with pouring oil
// Distance Learning

The force of friction makes it possible for people to walk and cars to move, but it also causes our machines to wear down, and some of the energy we generate to be wasted as heat.

runner in motion
// Distance Learning

Life depends on motion over a wide range of scales, for example, the pulsing of blood through veins and arteries, the movement of people and vehicles from place to place, the migration of wildlife.

Space X Launch
// Distance Learning

The velocity of objects often changes over time which we refer to as acceleration.  Learn how to measure acceleration as you move your body and how to use your phone to determine the acceleration due to Earth’s gravitational

Man receiving award from woman
// Recognition
In recognition of more than 40 years of service to the U.S. Air Force, Department of Energy and National Nuclear Security Administration, Tom Gioconda, who recently stepped down as deputy director of the Lab, has been awarded the NNSA Administrator’s Gold Medal.
Several people look at computer screen
// Recognition
A wargame developed by University of California, Berkeley students, with a helping hand from Lawrence Livermore and Sandia national laboratories researchers, won first place at an international conference.
Three researchers in front of U.S. map and turbine
// S&T Highlights
A trio of Livermore scientists have served as co-authors for three separate papers about projects they’ve worked on to upgrade wind power forecasting for the nation.