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Computed temperature field inside the target
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A detailed computation of the temperature profile for liquid hydrogen inside a hollow shell, as is found in inertial confinement fusion research, shows that seeds are likely to form at the equatorial plane of the shell.
Temperature simulations
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Experiments on the Titan laser at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory were carried out in order to study the properties of fast electrons produced by high-intensity, short pulse laser interacting with matter under conditions relevant to fast ignition.
Product of the deuterium and tritium number densities in simulation
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Presents the first results from an experimental campaign to measure the atomic ablator-gas mix in the deceleration phase of gas-filled capsule implosions on the National Ignition Facility.
Marine organisms
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Research team analyzes records of bulk and amino-acid-specific 15N/14N isotopic ratios (δ15N) preserved in the skeletons of long-lived deep-sea proteinaceous corals collected from the Hawaiian archipelago; these isotopic records serve as a proxy for the source of nitrogen-supported export production through time.
Experiment diagram
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Research shows that the interaction of relativistic-intensity, picosecond laser pulses with solid targets is affected by the reflected light through the strong currents and 104  T magnetic fields it produces.
Molecular model
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This paper reports observations of shock compressed, unreacted hydrogen peroxide at pressures up to the von Neumann pressure for a steady detonation wave, using ultrafast laser-driven shock wave methods.
Graphic of waveguide
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A new generation of hollow waveguide (HWG) gas cells of unprecedented compact dimensions facilitating low sample volumes suitable for broad- and narrow-band mid-infrared (MIR; 2.5–20 μm) sensing applications is reported: the substrate-integrated hollow waveguide (iHWG).
Plasma images and data
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We report a study of materials recovered from a uranium-containing plasma generated by an electric arc.
Spectroscopic data
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We report the application of near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy as a non-contact, non-destructive method to rapidly analyze uranium ore concentrate materials for species and/or process information.