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3D printed elastomeric  material
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Three‐dimensional printing of viscoelastic inks to create porous, elastomeric architectures with mechanical properties governed by the ordered arrangement of their sub‐millimeter struts is reported.
nanotubular bulk material
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The synthesis of ultralow‐density (>5 mg/cm3) bulk materials with interconnected nanotubular morphology and deterministic, fully tunable feature size, composition, and density is presented.
Interior of National Ignition Facility
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We describe ramp-compression measurements for diamond, achieving 3.7-fold compression at a peak pressure of 5 terapascals (equivalent to 50 million atmospheres).
Model of selective laser melt
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The present work describes continuum modeling of selective laser melting as envisioned for eventual support of part-scale modeling of this fabrication process to determine end-state information such as residual stresses and distortion.
Nanographene structure
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The electronic transport in centimeter‐sized three‐dimensional bulk nanographene monoliths can be dynamically controlled via electrochemically induced surface charge density.
Ocean, earth, and molecule
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The kinetics of carbonate exchange on the [NpO2(CO3)3]4− complex, shown here in ball-and-stick form, were measured as a function of solution pH.
Structure of an aneurysm
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We used 14C birth dating of a main constituent of CAs, that is, collagen type I, as an indicator for biosynthesis and turnover of collagen in CAs in relation to human cerebral arteries to investigate this further.
Molecules, cityscape
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Demonstrating the application of nanometer-scale secondary ion mass spectrometry (CAMECA NanoSIMS 50 ion probe) for 3D chemical imaging of individual atmospheric particles without any sample pre-treatment, such as sectioning of particles.
Earth and satellite
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The ability to fabricate 4-level diffractive structures with 1 µm critical dimensions has been demonstrated for the creation of fast (∼f/3.1 at 633 nm) Fresnel zone lenses (FZLs) with >60% diffraction efficiency into the −1 focusing order and nearly complete suppression of 0 and +1 orders.
Simulations of ion distributions
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We describe fully self-consistent time-dependent simulations of radio frequency (RF) generated ion distributions in the ion cyclotron range of frequencies and RF-generated electron distributions in the lower hybrid range of frequencies using combined Fokker–Planck and full wave electromagnetic field solvers.