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Molecular podel
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Calculations of the electronic structure of clusters of plutonium have been performed, within the framework of the relativistic discrete‐variational method.
Fusion data
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The National Ignition Facility (NIF) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory includes a precision laser system now capable of delivering 1.8 MJ at 500 TW of 0.35-μm light to a target.
Images of resonant nanocavities
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We investigate a plasmonic resonant structure tunable from ultra-violet to near infrared wavelengths with maximum absorbance strength over 95% due to a highly efficient coupling with incident light.
Molecular models, images of Earth
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We present results of prebiotic organic synthesis in shock compressed mixtures of simple ices from quantum molecular dynamics (MD) simulations extended to close to equilibrium time scales.
Mycorrhizal fungi
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Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) perform an important ecosystem service by improving plant nutrient capture from soil, yet little is known about how AMF influence soil microbial communities during nutrient uptake. We tested whether an AMF modifies the soil microbial community and nitrogen cycling during litter decomposition.
Book cover
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This volume provides a detailed treatment of half-metallic materials and their properties from both an experimental and theoretical point of view.
Molecular models
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A mixed parallel scheme that combines message passing interface (MPI) and multithreading was implemented in the AutoDock Vina molecular docking program.
Crystal images
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The inhibitory effect of linear enantiomers of L- and D-Asp6 on the growth of calcium oxalate monohydrate crystal has been investigated using in situ atomic force microscopy.
Simulation of dislocation in a material
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We present a computational method for identifying partial and interfacial dislocations in atomistic models of crystals with defects.
Hydrogen structure
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Advances in computational methods have made it possible to elucidate ever more of hydrogen's and helium's properties. Some of these methods that have been applied in recent years, in particular, those that perform simulations directly from the physical picture of electrons and ions, such as density functional theory and quantum Monte Carlo are reviewed.