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Nanoporous gold and neurons
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In the present in vitro study on np-Au’s interaction with cortical neuron–glia co-cultures, researchers demonstrate that the nanostructure of np-Au achieves close physical coupling of neurons by maintaining a high neuron-to-astrocyte surface coverage ratio.
Graphic of particles on a surface
// Journal Covers
Programmable positioning of 2 μm polystyrene (PS) beads with single particle precision and location selective, “on-demand,” particle deposition was demonstrated by utilizing patterned electrodes and electrophoretic deposition (EPD).
molecular structure model
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Profound bias‐ and time‐dependent changes in the electronic structure of graphene‐based supercapacitor electrodes are demonstrated under operating conditions via a combination of in operando X‐ray spectroscopy and ab initio modeling.
Damaged optical surface
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The authors present both simulation and experimental results to examine the use of IR laser light to polish, anneal, and micro‐shape fused silica surfaces used in high power laser systems.
Density functional tight binding (DFTB) models for carbon
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Reports on the development of many-body density functional tight binding (DFTB) models for carbon, which include either explicit or implicit calculation of multi-center terms in the Hamiltonian.
Light‐activated bioelectronic silicon nanowire transistor
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Light‐activated bioelectronic silicon nanowire transistor devices are made by fusing proteoliposomes containing a bacteriorhodopsin (bR) proton pump onto the nanowire surface.
Erupting volcano painting
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One contributory factor to the “warming hiatus” is an increase in volcanically induced cooling over the early 21st century. Here a research team identifies the signals of late 20th and early 21st century volcanic activity in multiple observed climate variables.
Electron microscope images
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Pulsed electron sources with high instantaneous current have successfully shortened exposure times (thus increasing the temporal resolution) by about six orders of magnitude over conventional sources while providing the necessary signal-to-noise ratio for dynamic imaging.
graphene macro-assembly
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The research team demonstrates that the energy storage capacity of graphene macro-assemblies can be increased nearly 3-fold (up to 23 W h kg−1) by facile, non-covalent surface modification with anthraquinone (AQ).
Nanoporous metal array
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A low‐cost, high‐throughput, lift‐off‐free nanolithographic method is developed for creating hexagonal arrays of sub‐30‐nm‐sized pores on a metal film, achieving uniform coverage over an entire wafer of 10 cm in diameter.