When gold is compressed rapidly over nanoseconds, the increase in pressure and temperature changes the crystalline structure to a new phase of gold.
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Science and Technology
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Laboratory researchers are exploring revolutionary technologies and improved storage methods for reducing atmospheric waste gases.
Livermore has opened the new OS-150 Robotics Laboratory, an outdoor, 8,000 square-foot enclosure.
In 1958, the United States conducted a set of nuclear tests, codenamed ARGUS, to determine whether they could interfere with communications and weapons performance.
Four scientists from Lawrence Livermore have been selected for the prestigious Presidential Early Career Award for Science and Engineers (PECASE).
Emergency crews may be better prepared if a radiological dispersal device (RDD), or “dirty bomb,” ever explodes in the United States because of a new simulator.
A new super-fast high-pressure device allows scientists to simulate and study earthquakes and meteorite impacts more realistically in the lab.
Livermore scientists Félicie Albert, Eyal Feigenbaum and Bruce Warner have been named senior members of the Optical Society.
Researchers with the Co-Optimization of Fuels & Engines (Co-Optima) initiative have identified six blendstocks from two chemical families that exhibit the greatest potential to dramatically increase efficiency.