Livermore’s Joanna Albala was recently named the STEM Advocate of the Year by the Executive Council of the North Central Valley STEM Center for going above and beyond in creating opportunities for students.
Science and Technology
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Science and Technology
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Renowned atmospheric scientist Ben Santer has been selected as a fellow by the American Meteorological Society.
One of the premier computer science conferences in the world recently recognized Livermore researcher Edgar A. León and his collaborators with the Best Paper award for their modeling work on parallel performance.
This research addresses the factors that control the performance of layered transition-metal dichalcogenide catalysts based on molybdenum and tungsten, potentially useful materials for generating hydrogen.
Fifteen Laboratory scientists and engineers have been named to Lawrence Livermore's third annual Early and Mid-Career Recognition Program.
For his work in plasma physics during his 22-year stint at LLNL and previous research at the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Dmitri Ryutov has garnered the American Physical Society’s James Clerk Maxwell Prize for Plasma Physics.
Physicist Andrew MacKinnon has been awarded the John Dawson Award for Excellence in Plasma Physics Research by the American Physical Society’s Division of Plasma Physics.
An international research team explores the origin energetic radio relics in merging galaxy clusters.
The High-Repetition-Rate Advanced Petawatt Laser System (HAPLS) is a major advancement over current petawatt lasers.
A Livermore team devised guidelines to modify reflectivity across the solar spectrum, and optimize antireflective properties, by selecting appropriate features of hierarchical structures.