Science and Technology Highlights

Radiographs of the capsule perturbations
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Livermore scientists are working to mitigate the adverse effects on National Ignition Facility implosion performance of the gossamer-thin membranes known as “tents” that support the target capsule in the hohlraum.
High-altitude cloud formation surrounded by swirling patterns in the atmosphere of Jupiter's North North Temperate Belt region.
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New research provides a theoretical explanation for why self-organized fluid flows called zonal jets or “zonal flows” can be suppressed by the presence of a magnetic field.
Methane gas venting to the atmosphere
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Lawrence Livermore and its partners are using microbes to convert carbon dioxide directly to renewable natural gas.
Input4MIPS logo
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Livermore scientists are collecting, archiving, and documenting climate data sets to support coordinated climate modeling activities.
IMPEDE®, a medical device used to treat bleeding abnormalities
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The Food and Drug Administration has approved the use of a medical device in humans partly developed at Livermore.
Simulation of Earth's seasonal trends
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For the first time, scientists from Lawrence Livermore and five other organizations have shown that human influences significantly impact the size of the seasonal cycle of temperature in the lowest layer of the atmosphere.
Scientists examine organ on a chip device
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A new study compares drug responses in the brains of rodents to drug responses of brain cells cultured in Livermore-developed “brain-on-a-chip” devices
The Enriched Xenon Observatory 200
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Livermore participates in an effort to observe extremely rare neutrinoless double-beta decay.
A researcher holds an example of a Livermore Flexible Probe.
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Microelectrode implants promise greater understanding of how the brain functions.
A network simulation of a fleet of machine agents
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A firefighter enters a burning office building followed by several drones, searching for people in need of rescue. The drones scatter in different directions, moving down corridors and systematically scanning rooms.