Science and Technology Highlights

Silver nanocrystal superlattice
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A Livermore-led team studies the nanocrystal assembly process in silver.
Three scientists in cancer resarch lab
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For the first time, researchers have developed a way to determine how many cancer cells it takes to initiate a tumor in another part of the body.
Artist's conception of liquid water under extreme compression
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A team of theorists from Livermore has solved a long-standing puzzle in the nucleation of a high-pressure phase of ice known as ice VII.
Video window for National Ignition Facility
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Take a peek inside the National Ignition Facility, the world’s largest and most energetic laser, to see how we develop and execute some of the most complex experiments conducted anywhere.

Artist’s illustration of a new optical fiber
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LLNL has received two significant awards that will help advance the next stage of developing fiber-optic cable technology.
Livermore brain simulations
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Livermore simulations are helping scientists understand and prevent traumatic brain injury (TBI).
3D image of microscopic cracks in nickel alloy
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Scientists have for the first time captured 3D images of microscopic cracks in metal caused by exposure to hydrogen, also known as hydrogen embrittlement.
Simulation of disclocations in tantalum
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Livermore researchers simulate the physics of metal hardening.
Diagram of the Advanced Radiographic Capability
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The Advanced Radiographic Capability is the most energetic short-pulse laser in the world.
Image capture of metal 3D printing
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Researchers are exploring machine learning to process the data obtained during 3D builds.