Livermore scientists unravel the history of the solar system through cosmochemistry.
Science and Technology Highlights

Livermore engineers develop an array of thousands of constantly moving hexagonal mirrors, each measuring just 1 millimeter square.

Livermore researchers are working to adapt the specialized optics used in orbiting x-ray telescopes to provide high-resolution images of man-made x-ray sources here on Earth.

Scientists have observed “diamond rain” for the first time as it formed under extremely high pressure.

For the first time, Livermore researchers have successfully 3D printed composite silicone materials that are flexible, stretchable and possess shape memory behavior.

An international research team explores the origin energetic radio relics in merging galaxy clusters.

The High-Repetition-Rate Advanced Petawatt Laser System (HAPLS) is a major advancement over current petawatt lasers.

Scientists from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Planetary Defense program are releasing details of their research on the 2013 Chelyabinsk meteor.