Science and Technology Highlights

Marine stratocumulus clouds along the California and Baja California coastlines, as revealed by a NASA satellite
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Global warming causes low-level clouds over the oceans to decrease, leading to further warming.
Two scientists examine thin-film electrode
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Thin-film electrodes developed at Lawrence Livermore have been used in human patients at the University of California, San Francisco, generating never-before-seen recordings of brain activity in the hippocampus.
Chemical compund formulae and scale of solubility
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A new study suggests a microbial pathway to removing uranium from groundwater.
Artist’s depiction of a liposomal drug carrier studded with carbon nanotube porins that is docking to a cancer cell surface
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A research team has used carbon nanotubes to enable direct drug delivery from liposomes through the plasma membrane into the cell interior.
White and purple disks of different sizes stacked horizontally
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The Center for Non-Perturbative Studies of Functional Materials under Non-Equilibrium Conditions advances high-performance computing software to support novel materials discovery.
Image of periodic table symbol of plutonium
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Scorpius, a multi-lab project to advance stockpile stewardship, will yield an unprecedented experimental tool powered by Livermore technology.
Schematic of the “BeEST” experiment
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A research team has demonstrated the power of using nuclear decay in high-rate quantum sensors in the search for sterile neutrinos.
Abstract pattern of colorful dots with article title
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Livermore researchers develop a system to help analysts find evidence of nuclear weapons proliferation using open-source information.
The L3 high-average-power petawatt laser system
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The L3-HAPLS, the world’s highest-average-power petawatt laser system designed and built by Livermore, reached a major milestone during a recent demonstration at ELI Beamlines Research Center.
Scientist in front of tabletop bench equipment
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Livermore scientists have developed a high-precision interferometer system to measure the pressure dependence of the refractive index in diamond anvil cells.