Science and Technology Highlights

Two students work on the dense plasma focus instrument
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A technology once rejected for fusion power plants now supports a promising new flash neutron imaging capability.
Molecular dynamics simulation of nucleation in undercooled copper
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Livermore researchers report on a new mechanism of solidification in copper that alters the fundamental understanding of nucleation at high pressure.
Physicist Mathias Frank conducting experiment with a test chamber.
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Livermore scientists are leveraging their extensive experience studying the movement of airborne hazards to better understand the movement of virus-like particles through the air.
"Getting to Neutral" report cover
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One year after publishing the groundbreaking "Getting to Neutral: Options for Negative Carbon Emissions in California," Lawrence Livermore has become a trusted adviser in the discussion of how to remove carbon dioxide from the air.
Schematic of explosives imaging experiment
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New research is shedding light on the deflagration-to-detonation transition” process to make explosives safer for handling, storage and transportation.
Flow chart diagram of  “Learn-by-Calibrating” method
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Livermore computer scientists have developed a new deep learning approach to designing emulators for scientific processes that is more accurate and efficient than existing methods.
Artist's conception of Earth's interior
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Researchers have taken important steps to show that thermal conduction is important and measurable at high pressure and temperature conditions.
Bacteriophage image
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To successfully combat increasing antibiotic resistance and treat challenging bacterial infections, scientists in the Forensic Science Center (FSC) have partnered with San Diego State University and UCSD to advance bacteriophage therapy.
Workers lower a package containing chemical explosives into a borehole
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The Source Physics Experiment (SPE) is helping to discriminate among the seismic fingerprints of a small, illicit nuclear explosion, an earthquake, a mine disaster, or any of the other noises that a variety of human activities and natural phenomena generate.
Molecular structure of carbon aerogel
// S&T Highlights
Livermore scientists working alongside Stanford University researchers have made headway toward a new generation of tailored, reversible water treatment.