Science and Technology Highlights

Engineer with diffraction gratings
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A team has designed a new generation of compressor gratings that could boost the performance of the world’s ultrafast high-power laser systems by as much as 20 percent.
Laser hitting 3D-printed object
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LLNL researchers have combined synchrotron X-ray diffraction with computer modeling to better understand the link between residual stresses and the mechanical properties of 3D-printed 316L stainless steel.
Bar graph and images of NIF implosions.
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LLNL researchers described the results of effort to develop a modeling capability “reliable enough to guide NIF experiments to ignition” in a featured Physics of Plasmas.
Images of nanoscale material features with penny
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Researchers have developed a breakthrough in nanoscale 3D printing, developing a scalable method of nanofabrication up to 1,000 times faster than any previous method.
Scanning electron microscopy image of 3D-printed lattice
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Livermore researchers have designed a new class of 3D-printed lattice structures that combine light weight and high stiffness, despite breaking a rule previously thought to be required to exhibit such properties.
Artist's conception of nanoporin
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Multi-institutional group of researchers examines single digit nanopores.
Earth from space
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By comparing observations to large ensembles of climate model simulations, scientists can now better isolate when human-caused climate change was first identifiable in observations.
Large lens with two people in protective suits
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The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope will take photos using optical assemblies designed by Lawrence Livermore researchers.
Artist's conception of nulcear fuel pellets and data
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Scientists are going to the microscale to study the diverse characteristics of nuclear fuel pellets that could improve nuclear forensic analysis.
Artist's conception of molecules and water pump
// S&T Highlights
Researchers have developed a technology that can remove nitrate from water selectively.