Science and Technology Highlights

 Image made from X-ray scans of single crystal sapphire spheres
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Researchers find principles underlying velocity scaling and dispersion in wave transmission through grainy particle arrangements.
Bio-Rad's QX200 Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) System
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Livermore's technology transfer team has opened up multiple fronts to aid the nation’s efforts against the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19.
Dividing breast cancer cell
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Biologists from Livermore have found another mechanism that affects the maintenance and expansion of malignant breast cancer cells: electric signals in the tumor microenvironment.
Composite of Sierra computer and National Ignition Facility
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Livermore scientists report that surrogate models supported by neural networks can perform as well, and in some ways better, than computationally expensive simulators.
Nebula formed by supernova
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A team of researchers including scientists from Livermore details the first quantitative measurements of the magnetic field structure of plasma filamentation.
Diagram of “brain-on-a-chip” device
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LLNL researchers have developed a way to computationally model the activity and structures of neuronal communities as they grow and mature on the device over time.
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Following weeks of prototyping, Livermore is partnering with private industry to mass-produce a simple mechanical ventilator developed for COVID-19 patients that has been authorized for emergency use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Two scientists
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Livermore researchers are working with other Department of Energy national labs on technologies to improve the speed and accuracy of tests for COVID-19.
Artist’s rendition of cone-shaped nanostructures
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Lawrence Livermore scientists have discovered a new method to add an antireflective metasurface (ARMS) layer on laser optics glass that’s so durable, it can survive getting “smooshed.”
Diagnostics technician assembles a TARDIS x-ray diffraction diagnostic
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A paper describing the design and performance of a workhorse NIF experimental platform known as TARDIS (target diffraction in situ) was a featured article in a recent edition of the journal Review of Scientific Instruments.