Science and Technology Highlights

Artist's conception of neutron star
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Nuclear scattering experiments suggest how neutron stars grow.
Model of the capsule in a laser-irradiated hohlraum (left) and calculated reduction of radiation flux on the capsule in a 3-window hohlraum
// S&T Highlights
Data correlating two factors that lead to implosion asymmetries have brought LLNL scientists a step closer to understanding the gap between simulations and performance of inertial confinement fusion experiments.
Visualization of blood vessel
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Livermore scientists have paired 3D-printed, living human brain vasculature with advanced computational flow simulations to better understand tumor cell attachment to blood vessels.
Antarctic iceberg
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Researchers find that more than 50 percent of the world’s oceans already could be impacted by climate change.
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy data and electron microscope image of nickel copper alloy catalysts
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A research team optimizes catalyst performance by studying the effect of pretreatment-induced nanoscale structural and compositional changes on catalyst activity and long-term stability.
Earthquake simulation
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A Livermore team has published new supercomputer simulations of a magnitude 7.0 earthquake on the Hayward Fault, the highest-ever resolution ground motion simulations on this scale.
Simulation of arterial blood flow
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A research team has combined machine learning, 3D printing, and high-performance computing simulations to accurately model blood flow in the aorta.
Complex cultured neuronal network
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Livermore researchers have increased the complexity of neuronal cultures grown on microelectrode arrays.
Composite image of a white dwarf star inside a NIF hohlraum.
// S&T Highlights
Researchers at Livermore and an international team of collaborators have developed an experimental capability for measuring the basic properties of matter at the highest pressures thus far achieved in a controlled laboratory experiment.
Pair of diamonds in compression with models of prebiotic compounds
// S&T Highlights
Massive compressive shearing forces generated by the tidal pull of Jupiter-like planets on their rocky ice-covered moons may form a natural reactor that drives simple amino acids to polymerize into larger compounds.