Science and Technology Highlights

molecular dynamics simulation shows the fast diffusion of hydrogen ions
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A research team successfully produced superionic ice.
Person uses virtual reality technology
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Virtual reality technology finds real-world applications at the National Ignition Facility.
Computed Axial Lithography system
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Researchers have developed a new high-speed 3D printing method called Computed Axial Lithography.
Scientists examie power distribution grid simulation
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A Livermore team has taken a key step toward creating a commercial tool that utilities could use to modernize the grid.
Lake Tahoe in winter
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The Sierra snowpack will decline in years to come because of climate change effects.
Lasers beaming into a gold rugby hohlraum holding an aluminum fuel capsule
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Experiments using a hohlraum shaped like a rugby ball have significantly boosted the amount of laser-induced energy absorbed by an inertial confinement fusion fuel capsule.
A dwarf galaxy
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Lawrence Livermore nuclear scientists for the first time have accurately predicted the properties of polarized thermonuclear fusion.
Simulation of a fusion reactor
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LLNL's Center for Applied Scientific Computing collaborates with its fusion researchers.
The element zirconium
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New research reveals that the radioactive isotope zirconium-88 is an excellent neutron absorber.
Model of innate immune response
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Livermore and University of Vermont researchers are exploring how deep reinforcement learning can discover therapeutic drug strategies for sepsis.