Emergency crews may be better prepared if a radiological dispersal device (RDD), or “dirty bomb,” ever explodes in the United States because of a new simulator.
Science and Technology Highlights
A new super-fast high-pressure device allows scientists to simulate and study earthquakes and meteorite impacts more realistically in the lab.
Researchers with the Co-Optimization of Fuels & Engines (Co-Optima) initiative have identified six blendstocks from two chemical families that exhibit the greatest potential to dramatically increase efficiency.
Over the last decade, the world's most energetic laser has been making important contributions to the Stockpile Stewardship Program, national security, and high-energy-density science.
Livermore scientists have developed a promising drug that permeates the blood-brain barrier.
The LLNL Independent Diagnostic Scoring System (LIDSS) measures crucial impact parameters during intercontinental ballistic missile tests.
Comets impacts may have produced nitrogen-containing aromatic structures that are likely constituents of polymeric biomaterials.
Researchers have developed a technique to reduce residual stress in metal 3D printed parts using laser diodes.
Nuclear chemist Dawn Shaughnessy joined a team of scientists from Lawrence Livermore and Russia that discovered five elements from 1989 to 2010.