Science and Technology Highlights

Earth from space
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Climate scientists at Livermore announced the release of new data sets that will provide fresh insights into past and future climate change.
Simulation of laser ablation shock
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Researchers have discovered an efficient mechanism for laser ablation that could help pave the way to the use of less costly lasers in many industrial laser processing applications.
Artist's conception of beta decay
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An international team has found the answer to a 50-year-old puzzle that explains why beta decays of atomic nuclei are slower than expected.
E3SM  climate simulation
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Investigators have found a technique to reduce the uncertainty in predicting future change.
Molecular model
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Livermore researchers have developed a new biological sensor that could help clinicians better diagnose cancer and epilepsy.
Scientist examining screen
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Livermore launched a new initiative focused on sharing solutions with local communities to help them develop a sustainable, resilient and affordable energy infrastructure.
Horned beetle
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A research team has learned how the digestive system of a wood-eating beetle serves as a natural mini-reactor for biofuel production.
An artist's rendering of a printed spiral filament loaded with live cells.
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Researchers have 3D printed live cells that convert glucose to ethanol and carbon dioxide gas (CO2), demonstrating a technology that can lead to high biocatalytic efficiency.
Screen shot of ARC video
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We created this new video animation to explain how the Advanced Radiographic Capability (ARC) laser works.
Three scientists
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A research team has developed a novel system for recording widespread brain activity,