LLNL researchers have combined synchrotron X-ray diffraction with computer modeling to better understand the link between residual stresses and the mechanical properties of 3D-printed 316L stainless steel.
Science and Technology Highlights
Researchers have developed a breakthrough in nanoscale 3D printing, developing a scalable method of nanofabrication up to 1,000 times faster than any previous method.
LLNL researchers described the results of effort to develop a modeling capability “reliable enough to guide NIF experiments to ignition” in a featured Physics of Plasmas.
Livermore researchers have designed a new class of 3D-printed lattice structures that combine light weight and high stiffness, despite breaking a rule previously thought to be required to exhibit such properties.
By comparing observations to large ensembles of climate model simulations, scientists can now better isolate when human-caused climate change was first identifiable in observations.
The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope will take photos using optical assemblies designed by Lawrence Livermore researchers.
Scientists are going to the microscale to study the diverse characteristics of nuclear fuel pellets that could improve nuclear forensic analysis.
Researchers have developed a technology that can remove nitrate from water selectively.
U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry and Sandy Weill, founder of the Weill Family Foundation, signed a memorandum of understanding to formally initiate a public-private partnership for artificial intelligence (AI), neurological disorders and related subjects.